Saturday, April 13, 2013

Serial Stuffed Elephant

My Dear Death

Because I can't write, I'm sending this to you from my mind.
Even though you condemned me to this body, I somehow can't get you out of my mind. I've lived for a long, long time, and all I can hear is your voice calling to me from a distance farther than the stars. Even if I am stiff and soggy, and my heart is made of cotton, I want you to know I've been in love with you ever since I saw you. I was probably just another murderer to you. Just another assignment with bloody hands given to you from the head-honchos. You were so dark and emotionless as you sent me off to my fate, I felt as though there was some hope left for me. Even when I got reborn in this stuffed animals body, and stuck in the care of this stupid little girl, I've always held you in my mind.

When I got left out in the rain and forgotten, I was happy as I began to rot and turn into dust. That idiot little girl twists me around in upchucking throws, and when she sleeps with me my breath is choked out because she is on top of me. She's given me baths so that I'll smell for weeks of mildew, and she's cut my fur into awkward shapes. She's even cut off one of my ears. I'm a one eared elephant stuffed animal. She's put me through such torture that I've given up any hope of living. But still, I wonder. What exactly did I feel when she found me out there after a year of forgotten abandonment, smiled at me, hooked me under her arm, and brought me back home to be cleaned up? It was a light feeling, almost like the sunlight. But, well. She's only a stupid little girl. I was hoping that my body of fluff would disappear so that you would hurry and come so I can see you again. Just my luck that she would find me. Why couldn't she have just left me there?

If I was back in my original body, she would already be dead.

My dear Death. Even before meeting you, I admired you seeing your work. The way my victims would  squirm at your presence, with their eyes full of fear would send chills of pleasure up my spine. When you at last took their souls away, I would stare in astonishment of how you left them in such beautiful poses. You truly are an expert. I would never be able to match your skills. Oh, Death. Don't leave me here. Hurry on your dainty dark feet and pull me out of this wretched body to be with you. I can never get you out of my mind. Never mind the head-honchos condemnation of me to this body- I will never learn the happiness that life could bring me. I only want you- and you alone.

~Pete the Strangler

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Time-traveling Royalty

Dear Death,

I'm writing this in bed.
If you ask why, it's because I can't do it anywhere else. The night is my only freedom. In the morning Sarah (my maid) comes and watches over me while I dress and eat with her help. As if I couldn't do that by myself. From her on, I'm passed from a thousand hands that teach me how to speak, write, walk and curtsy, and a million other abominable things that I wish I could throw down into the moat through the highest window. Except that I'm not even allowed to the second highest tower without my mothers say so. Well, my *adopted* mother, anyways. I don't even belong here. I'm not related to the royal family in any way. Nobody knows that except them and I, though. The servants and the populace have absolutely no idea. Well, I can see why. I do sort-of look like mother, with the brown hair. You wouldn't know unless you examined our blood. Besides, I've been here since I was a baby. When the real princess died at birth, they simply covered it up with my sudden appearance. I hardly remember anything about my previous family or life, but I know at least one thing. I have a secret that not even the royal family knows about.

I'm not from this time.

I'm from the future.

It took me a while to figure it out. When you travel back to the past, your time reverses ten years for every century. I don't know how old I was when I was sent, but it was a close call. Any further back, and I would've disappeared. By the way, if you travel to the future, it's almost the same thing, except the opposite. You age ten years for every century forward you go. If you get back to your time somehow, then your age snaps back to what it originally was. Since your age reverses when you go back to the past, your brain also changes. I had forgotten all about my previous existence. When I finally got older that I could start thinking for myself, my memories started returning. At first I was confused at what they were, but when I saw the insignia on my chest and put the pieces together, it all made sense. That insignia has the pattern of the falcon representing the time society from my time. They put an insignia on you so that other time travelers can recognize you, and also so that they can pull you back if you are causing trouble. I don't know if or when they are going to pull me back. I still can't remember why I'm here, pretending to be a princess that's already died. Whenever I think on this, I get extremely scared. All the people I've grown up with could disappear in a single moment, and I would never see them again. But there's something even more terrifying than that. I don't know why I'm here. It's not chance that I was put in such an important position as a part of a royal family. But I still can't remember what my mission is. If I fail that mission without knowing what it was, what could happen?

War is approaching. Already, I'm seeing the signs of death roaming in the shadow of our country. Since I don't know what my mission is, I might have to try something reckless. If I can't remember what it was that I am supposed to do in time, then I will have to go back to my time to figure it out. I've searched books and my memory to remember how to get back. If I can find out what my mission is, and be able to come back, then there is a better chance of my succeeding. I'm only worried about one thing. I was a baby when I arrived in this time. I'm not sure what time I am from. Or original age. If I happened to be 90 years old, it would mean that I had gone 9 centuries back into the past. I'm already 18 in this time spell. If I go forwards 9 centuries, I will already be dead by the time I get there. Death is faster approaching then snapping back. So, Death, I have a favor to ask of you. Please don't come. Please let me get back to my time and back safely enough so I have even the sliver of a chance to save this time space. Please guide me so I am able to save the people I love. I beg you.

Princess Amelia