Monday, November 2, 2015


I've been having nightmares.

They're nothing big, really. I'm up somewhere really high, looking out some sort-of arch at the night sky. An airplane flies by, the sound echoing in my ears unnaturally loud as though I had never really listened to an airplane before. And then the city lights down below suddenly blend together like a dissatisfied artist wiped his hand across his landscape in anger. I always wake up in a cold sweat. It's extremely real.

...I think they started when the cat disappeared. That was a few weeks ago; he just suddenly stopped coming over. The few days before then I noticed that when that blasted clock tower woke me up at 3 am, he would shimmer really brightly; practically lit up the whole room, and then disappear. When I say "disappear", I don't mean that he just went back to his typical "invisible" state, I mean that the meager shining reflection of the moon he let off would disappear, that the weight at the foot of my bed would be gone, and nothing would be left there except for the darkness of the room. It always creeped me out, and I was relieved when he returned the next night, except when the same thing happened. Eventually, he just stopped coming back at all.

I'm not worried, I mean, I am, but...Maybe it's gone for good? You hear about them going to the after life in movies and stuff, after all. It's already been a year, hasn't it, since I wrote in here? I guess I've gotten pretty used to having him around, probably too much, really. There's hardly any stability in life, but there's even less in death. When you're alive, you could be gone at any time, but you plan for the future and you are there in the present. But when you're dead, you don't even have a future. You're already gone, but no one can tell where you go after your already gone. At least you can tell the living.

Rectangles in the ground, 6 inches deep.