Sunday, September 16, 2018


Giovanni's gone missing.
Ever since the other day, when Campanella stopped appearing even at the weird time he does. I let Giovanni outside, and he hasn't come back.
    It's like he's looking for him.
But now I have to look for him, instead.
How come we're both living, yet chasing after something dead? I don't get it.
    Well, I guess I've been quiet about it for too long. I'll come open now. So, yes. Um. My brother.
    He's dead.
    Well, let's just say that when I was ten, he decided that it would be funner to hang himself than do homework. Or listen to my mom. Or- or, well, something.
    I honestly have no idea. It's been years, and I still don't know.
    I'll probably never know- actually I can't know. Because I'm not him. So it doesn't matter how much I try and rationalize it- I can't understand. The evidence doesn't even match the person anymore.
    But it is weird. One day he was alive, and he even laughed at some dumb joke I made about a video game we played at the time. Then, the next day, when I got home from school, he was gone. At that moment, I just thought he was getting home late. But minutes, eventually turned into hours, and before I knew it, my parents were home, and the police were home, too. The time spent not knowing- hoping- questioning. It was like some sick nightmare. I thought it was just another day- no- it was just another day. That's what made it so wrong.
    It wasn't raining, there was no major earthquake, zombies weren't littering the streets. It was just another sunny, sparsely cloudy day. I remember watching the neighbor kid playing on his bike from the park that I could see from the back window of my room. He always did that. It was normal.
    They found him the day after- somewhere in the mountains. His backpack was at his feet, apparently. A hiker found him.
    My brother used to fold paper airplanes all the time. He had an avid interest in aircraft, actually. There were models of different flying machines hanging from his ceiling. There were always paper airplanes on the floor- dining room, living room, anywhere. It annoyed my mother, who always had to pick them up. I guess she didn't have to do that anymore.
    We used to play in the park behind the house a lot. Hide and seek, tag, other such stuff. Usually, it was just us. But, actually, I think I remember someone else. I never knew her name, but she played with us sometimes too. I didn't go out to the park after I was ten, so I never ended up learning it. It was probably something pretty, though. Something that would've fit her nature. I wish I knew it.
    I don't know what I'm going on about, though.
    I have to go look for Giovanni, now.
    I can't let him disappear too.