Friday, November 30, 2012

Wait for Me?

Dear Love,

The first time I saw you was when I was a small, itty child with only a few strands of hair on her head. I believe that was when I was at my great grandfathers death bed, whom I don't even remember his face. But I remember yours. So pale, and bony, and empty, and put-upon. I've never known someone to look so sad. And how, you may ask, could I see emotion in your empty eye-sockets, and skinless face? If I may tell you the truth, I have no idea. I just had a feeling when I saw your skull, and it wasn't fear like I've heard the people around speak of you, but it was sadness. A great, endless sadness as great and abysmal as the universe. That is what I felt from you.

The second time I saw you was when I happened to be taking a walk to my friend's house, and there was a terrible car accident right in front of me when I turned the corner that had barely happened. I was shocked by the moving smoke, and was paralyzed in place by a little blood I saw in the front window, implying someone's immense pain. I saw you there. Right by that window. You had your back turned to me, but I could see something in that back. It was a back that had known so much pain. So much pain I could not even begin to imagine it. When you turned your head to me, I felt a jilt go through my entire body as you looked at me with those invisible eyes. It was impossible to describe, but I suddenly went forward without thinking and tried to touch you. You looked hurt. I understand why. Death is always supposed to be alone, never touching Life. You were startled and afraid of me. You were afraid for me. You faded away right as my hand almost touched your face. I heard about the man in the car window later, and it seems as though he died under hospital care.

I've seen you several times since then, on television, and once, wandering in a graveyard. I've always wanted to talk to you, to touch you, to befriend you, but each time it never worked. So I am writing this letter to you. "Hello, How are you?" "What is your favorite color?" "How is your Life?" "Do you have someone you love?" -these are all things I want to ask you. I want to hold your hand. I don't mind if its as cold as death, or if its rotting and falling away, I want to hold your hand and talk to you face to face. This might seem silly to you, but the truth is....the truth is.......I think I might, actually...Love you? The first time I realized this was when I saw you wandering in the graveyard with that immense sadness that is so far away from me. I know it's silly for me to say this to you, you who has lived so many more lifetimes than I, but I simply can't hold these feelings back. Please don't be displeased or angry with me. I have spent many a night trying to direct myself back to love other people and men of flesh and blood, but it has all been in vain. So it is with this conviction that I hand these feelings to you. I can only apologize. A living creature can be so incredibly stubborn. Even against its own judgement.

I know that as long as I live, I will never be allowed to touch you. This is my dilemma. I shall have to live my life like this, longing in loneliness all the while? It is a frightening thought. But I'm sure, that when I lie on my deathbed, or if I die suddenly at sea or something, that I will finally be able to take your hand and kiss your bony face till I cry tears of joy. So would you please, wait for me?

-With love,
a girl whose name you already know

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Remember me?

 Dear Death:

Do you remember me, AnnaBee when I saw you at the hospital?  I'll never forget that night.  Everything was white; pure white.  Not the white of hospital ceilings but the white of an everlasting snowstorm all around me.  There you were standing over me, tall and mysterious.  Something I couldn't resist.  You offered me your boney hand, so bleach white and twisted.  I would have taken it had it not been for Life.  What a brute he is.  He brought me back to his world and now I 'm alive again.  But Death don't think not of me, I want to be dead more than anything and I want to be with you.  I'll never forget you.  Don't you worry, Mortal Life will one day get sick and tired of me and hand me over to you.  That's what I don't understand about Mortal Life.  He only has us until we prune or go bad and then he just gives us away!  But you don't give us away.  You take us all to peace and you never let us go if we prune.  You are so kind.  Please keep in touch with me my dear Death.


AnnaBee Twitchet

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dear Death

Dear Death,

We have created a blog in your honor.
Because we love you so much.
I must confess, your pumpkin grin is quite attractive. Especially in the right instances.
Well, here are some letters and love letters from different people.
We hope you enjoy them.

Sincerely, whatever and Alyse

(p.s. we love you!)