Thursday, February 21, 2013

Zombies are so frank



Zoe the Zombie

Hello again

Hello again Death.  It's me, Winston Bartly.  You may not remember me, but surely you'll remember my mother.  Do not bother telling me how she is; I already know.  You made her so happy.  Grandma let me see her as she...well..."left."  She had a smile on her face and looked as if--as if she found someone she had been waiting for for a long time. Her last words were: "Finally, my love, I've waited so long..." and then she just died.  Poof.  Dead.
I knew then that I didn't really hate you.  But of course I 'm stubborn and I'd been lying to myself that I still hated you.  Day after day I told myself that you're awful, and you made my own mother hate me (Don't be too bashful, I'm still angry about that).  But then I would remember my mother's face and realize that she at least loves yo.
As long as my mother has someone to love, I'll be okay.  By the way, I must know, did you take my father?  Can you possibly tell me if he and mother dance together now?  Mom's always wanted that.  She'd just sit and wish to dance with Her Love, which I should know is my father.  I've searched and searched for my father's name.  Nothing.  It seems like he's never existed!  I've asked all of my mom's friends about my father.  They only laughed and said, "You know, I think that Jane got stupid is all.  You're just a mistake."
I hate her friends...  I'm not a mistake!  There's no way!  I have to have a good loving father.  I just need to find him.  Goodness I've been so desperate to even ask my Grandma.  When I asked her though, she turned red with anger and yelled and cursed with a profanity that I can never understand:  See I don't ask her things?
Anyway, please give me word of my father.  Who he might be and if he's with Mother.

From a much older fan of yours

Winston Bartly,

P.S.  Sorry about the hate letter. I really don't hate you.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Guitar Rockin' Angel

Dear Death,

It has been three years since I turned away from home and came down to Earth. The last and only thing I grabbed was my guitar. I was flat broke, having no idea what money was. The inventions mankind has come up with are too complicated! I mean, what's with these cell phone things, and stoplights! I don't even understand their purpose most of the time. I just wanted to play music. If only Papa wasn't so against it! First it was the noise, then it was the look of the 'instrument'. Papa never called my guitar by its proper name. It was always, 'that thing', like it was something nasty to be stepped in. Why couldn't he just be happy for me when my uncle came back from his Earth trips with souvenirs, and thought of me? I love the thing! Uncle would tell me stories of Earth music, and I would be bound by them. I never stopped practicing. It was when uncle told me I was good enough to be in an Earth band, that I popped the question to Papa if I could go down there. And OH!, was he against it. His face immediately transformed into that of a ghoul or goblin. When I was a kid, it terrified me when he did that, but at that moment I was more angry than anything frightening he could do to me. We had a bad row, and at the end of it he locked me in my room. Well, I was steaming with indignation, and his complete refusal had only made me more determined. So I swung my guitar on my back, and snuck out the window. My friend, a giant albatross flew me fast and gentle over the sea below our home to Earth land. I won't forget his kindness on that. It was taking quite a risk, disobeying Papa.

It wasn't good for me straight off. I starved for a few weeks, living on the streets, and almost got picked up by some strange guys! I was scared for my life. Why is Earth so entirely hard and frightening to live in? But I was also amazed. That's the one reason I didn't go home crying and exhausted. I had never left the boundaries of my limited cloud home, and it was so beautiful, everything about it! The rain and snow and grass and trees and people and animals and birds and buildings and the food! We only ever ate windbounds that the cook would spin up once in a while, so I was crying the first time I ever ate a white wheat roll. It was Spinner who gave it to me. I owe a lot to him. He's the one who found me playing a lament by myself out of hunger and introduced me to a group of beautiful ladies who taught me how to play the guitar even better! They also let me stay there and eat their food! I always thanked him when I saw him, but he always went red a little, and just waved it off as "I was just a bit interested in you," and stomped off. Humans have so many interesting faces!

It was September last year when Spinner brought a few of his guy friends over for dinner. They were from a band, and they caught my interest as that was what I wanted to do. When I told them I could play too, at first they didn't believe me, so I got up and proved it to them! Gil liked it so much that he let me into a trial run with his band for the Halloween songs they were going to perform in October. I think Spinner was against it, but it's what I wanted to do. And we rocked that performance! I was singing and dancing, and rockin', and as happy as I had ever been in my life. It's also when I saw you.

Call it love at first sight, maybe. I saw you at the end of the last song, a shadow in the back. You immediately peaked my interest, and after wrapping up, I ran outside to look for you. I've heard about it from Uncle, that you are responsible for separating soul from body, and that we are to lead them up again to where they would then live. That Death and Angels had a very tight understanding; that we would each stay in the realms of our own jobs, and not get any more involved with each other than necessary. I heard that, and I feel a little sorry for you. We have many angels, so our job is easy, but there is only one of you. You're always on the move, never resting. I saw you floating down a ways, with no one to see you but myself when I arrived outside the doors. When I chased after, you turned around and stopped to face me. With myself panting and not thinking straight, the only thing I could ask was, "How was the performance?" You blinked, and with an impenetrable face said nothing. Since I was desperate, I was a little angry. "Why did you come if you didn't like it?" I said, trembling.
You looked at me a bit, head cocked to one side. I was about to give up and leave when you finally replied,
"because I was interested in you."
When I turned around, you were already vanished.
I don't know if you know how your words affected me, but dang(!) it made me blush. Somehow it was different from Spinners words. I've searched for you ever since then, a bit like an obsessed stalker. I would arrive at different scenes, only to see you vanishing again. It made me angry, but as determined as ever. I made the concert trial, and was officially into Gil's band. This made me as happy as ever, but without you it made it seem insignificant, and I was left feeling unsatisfied. I cursed you, I worshiped you, I acted out imaginary scenes between you and I, feeling as embarrassed as ever when I snapped out of it and realized how entirely girly I was being. But I can't help it. Somehow when I think of you, I become a different person. I hear your name and run.

So...I was thinking. Since you're alone in your job, and that leaves me never being able to see you, could it be possible that you would let me work along side you? I would be a good help, trust me! I'm not bothered by the separating of body and soul the least! I just....
I love you.

Please at least consider it.

The Guitar Rockin' Angel