Thursday, November 13, 2014


I've always hated cats.
Their "high-stead" behavior has always grated on my nerves. They slink around like rats, acting cutsie for random people to give them food, and then abandon them and move on again. I swear they're all laughing at us behind our backs.
When I was a little girl I had not yet awakened to my knowledge of my hatred of them. I innocently approached the cranky neighbor lady Loraine's cat "Lacie" to give it a pet. The animal jumped on my seven year old head and deeply scratched my cheek into 3 sections. Not only did I get hurt, but Loraine was right there in her yard, reading her newspaper in a purple hamock, drinking her orange juice. She just stared at me indignantly, without coming over to help.
If there's something I hate more than cats, it's the people who love them.

But, fast-forwarding, this cat just won't leave me alone.  I'm talking about the invisible animal thing that I was writing about in my last entry(was it already several months ago?). It stole my goldfish, remember? I didn't know what it was at first, but I've decided that it's a cat. It's been creeping into my room(I'm not sure how, since I close the window, and there's nowhere else it could have gotten in, maybe it goes through the walls?), and curling up with me when I'm sleeping. You can't tell it's there though, except for the weight, and the way the fabric is flattened down. It's not completely invisible, however. It shimmers sometimes if you catch it in direct sunlight(really indirectly though). I've tried to drive it out by throwing pillows at it, and dancing like a madman in my room to scare it, but it's persistent. I've pretty much given up by now. The pillows just go through it, anyways. I wonder what it's doing here. I hope it's not sucking my soul, or anything freaky like that, but I digress.

I find it in my room most mornings, but it always leaves by evening. Since I never really leave my room anymore, I've been tracking down the dates I find it, and the time it leaves on those dates. This has been going on in this yellow notebook, where I had pretty much given up keeping a diary in except for that one entry two months ago. Sorry. Here's a few entries from the beginning of November:

Date:     time:
11/1       9:12 am
11/2       8:57 am
11/4       9:32 am
11/7       noon
11/8       1:32 am
11/14     7:47 am

Conclusion: they have no pattern whatsoever.

Conclusion: I have no idea what the heck this cat is doing here.

Question: What am I supposed to do in a situation like this?

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