Tuesday, June 26, 2018


    I've lived in this room for a long time. I haven't left, not even to get a drink of water, unless it's night time. The reason being, of course- the unwelcome presence of that scum in human clothing. He's always here for some reason. Everything he does annoys me; watching sports TV at high volume, drinking early in the morning, served food on a silver platter by my mother, etc. Frankly, he just has to breathe to get me on edge.
I know why, of course.
It's because he's family.
    "Family" is such a loaded term. Every time it's mentioned, whether it's in books, media, or just the neighbors talking next door, it always seems to represent something irreplaceable, something to be treasured. I don't get it. Because, see, even in a home that's filled with people that are related by blood, they don't necessarily know one another. And just because they're related, doesn't mean that they want to, either. Although, because they are in the same building does mean that they have to understand some semblance of the other person. Understanding doesn't equal love, however.
Haha, Love. Another loaded term.
I think I'll stop while I'm ahead.
The main point is: I wouldn't have to hate him if he was a stranger.
My life would be a lot easier then.
    Honestly, although I live with my mother, I don't think I love her. I don't think she loves me, either. I'm just a necessary burden.
    "The willingness to understand" is probably a good enough definition for what I might classify under "love". It's effort put into empathy.
The willingness is key, actually.
    Even though I understand my mother and her intentions, I never actually wanted to understand them. Ever.
    I was out of books to read.
    So I came out of my room.
    "Bryan," she was saying, "what if we had another one?"
I stopped, hidden in the hallway.
    He grunted. An ambiguous reply.
    "I know it's been hard on you, these past few years, being everywhere and anywhere-"
    I peeked around the corner. She was leaning on him from the back.
    "-It's been hard on me too, being here alone. I've been waiting for you this whole time, you know? It's not like I'm blaming you though, I understand why you left. After what happened, with your parents, too...Bryan?"
    I saw him take a swig of something and sigh. The sports announcer on the TV was still blaring out unnecessary narration in the background.
    "...Yeah, I guess it's been hard," he relented.
My legs were frozen. By now I had expected one of his usual violent retorts- smashing the glass on the floor, or screaming, or both. This was wrong.
    She continued.
    "...So, I've been thinking, since it's been so hard for the both us, that we should just give up and try again. We were both young and stupid back then. We didn't know how to be a family."
    "mmm," he agreed, quietly.
    "I still love you, Bryan."
    Everything was still for a moment.
    "Will you create a new family with me?"
    Anchor baby.
    Failed marriage.
    Unsuccessful birth.
    I didn't really care to ever have to understand these things.    
    What a pain.

    I guess it's over now.

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