Saturday, January 12, 2013

From the Reaches of The Universe, Mr. Shadow

Dear Shadow,

I've come a long ways from the farthest reaches of the universe. My mother and father kicked me out of the house, and since I was stubborn, I decided to leave my dusty gray-haired planet behind and seek out my fortune to find a world more beautiful than that one. I have traveled for more than a millennium in my light-year boots, stopping at even a remotely beautiful planet. You cannot count the amount of times I've been disappointed. Almost every one is inhabitable and as dusty as my home planet. Even the ones that have life are either boring or overused, and the neighbors that aren't stupid and crawl around on their bellies find me as a threat. They come at me with native spears, or with their advanced beam weapons that blow a small village to the other side of the galaxy, and that's only if I ask for a mug of morning grub jub! I was sick and tired of searching, and was planning on going home when I got sucked into a black hole. Now I'm usually pretty apt at avoiding those, but at that moment I was being chased by the inhabitants of Georidm riding on their space snailhorses, so I was sort-of distracted. Who could blame me? If they catch you, they dance around a fire with your head on a stick! But I suppose that was the least of my problems.

It was a funny feeling to be stretched into absolute nothingness. I went in feet first, and could hear myself crunching in on itself with all the pressure, but I didn't feel any pain. My body wrangled itself into strange shapes, and then began to be pulled apart. I don't remember thinking at all.

When I got out on the other side, I was in the most beautiful world I could possibly imagine. I was at the bottom of the ocean of Black, and it was filled with a city full of glowing ember lights. You never get tired there. I could run forever if I wanted to. Everything you imagine comes true. You can travel the 9 major dimensions without ever leaving your room. I was in ecstasy. When I first arrived, there was a dancing party going around the Midnight Clock platform. A strange looking, but joyful person flighted past, and told me to jump in. I didn't need a second invitation, and practically ran into dancing by myself at the center of the clock. And then I saw you. It was in the middle of the second song, I believe, and you knelt down to me in your shadow robes that reflected all the city embers, and asked me gently if I would accompany you in a waltz. I was much to excited to care about proper etiquette of the rules of blushing/ being shy and so forth, and simply pulled you up and led you around in a blurry twirl. I think you were surprised at first, but you laughed heartily with me the whole time. When I asked your name, you looked a little sad, but looked up into my eyes and told me it was Shadow. Near the end of Midnight, the dancing partners started walking off by themselves, and the place started to be cold. Before you left, you left me your hood to warm me up. It was only later that I realized where my true world laid. I suppose I'm still chasing after it. Don't you want your hood back?


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